About Tun Sardon


Tun Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dato’ Haji Sardon bin Haji Jubir SMN., PMN., DUPN., SPMJ., SPMK was born on March 19, 1917 in Sungai Kluang, Rengit, Batu Pahat, Johor. His father, Tuan Haji Jubir bin Haji Mohd.Amin was a well known Land/Plantation owner , businessman in Johore and later as kathi in Singapore.

Tun Sardon pursued a career in Law in London and qualified as a Barrister from Lincoln’s Inner Temple. He returned to Singapore in 1941 and had his practice in Singapore and later in Johore Bharu.


During his 29 years in politics, Tun Sardon held numerous ministerial posts in the government and was conferred various awards.
1944 Married Toh Puan Hajjah Saadiah. They had Three son and two adopted daughters.

1945 Founding member of Parti Kebangsaan Melayu (Malay National Party) in Ipoh.

19th January 1946 Eldest son Mohamad Rizal Al-Amin bin Tun Sardon was born. Named after Jose Rizal of the Philippines.

29th April 1947 2nd son Mohamed Lokman bin Tun Sardon was born. Named after Lokman Hakim of Pakistan

1947 Commissioner of Singapore’s City Hall. Head of the Malay- Singapore Association.

1948 – 1951 Member of Singapore’s Legislature.

1948 UMNO Supreme Council member

1951 Head of UMNO Youth

12th Sept 1953 adopted daughter Mariam Tun Sardon

1955 3rd March 3rd son Mohamad Sukarno bin Tun Sardon was born. Named after President Soekarno of Indonesia

1957 Minister of Public Works, Telecommunications and Post.

12th May 1957 adopted niece Norita Abdullah.

1958 Awarded “The Memorial Magsaysay Award”.

18th Nov. 1959- 4th Dec. 1968 Minister of Transport

1967 Deputy President of UMNO.

1969 Minister of Health

1970 Chief Scout of Malaysia – 1970 Awarded the “Gold Medal”, South Korea’s highest Scouting honour

1971 Awarded King’s Gold Medal for Scouts by the King of Thailand.

5th Jan Minister of Transport
1972 -9th April 1974

1972 Minister of Communication.

July 1972 He was awarded the Bintang Seri Paduka Mahkota Kelantan.

Oct 1972 Awarded the Bintang Seri Paduka Mahkota Johor which carries the title “Datuk”.

1974 Malaysian Ambassador to the United Nations

1974 Conferred the “Grand Cross of the Order of St. Michael and St. George” by Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II

5th Feb 1975 Appointed as the 4th Head of State of Penang

June 1976 Awarded Darjah Seri Maharaja Mangku Negara which carries the title “Tun”

1976 Awarded the Darjah Utama Pangkuan Negeri (D.U.P.N.) which carries the title “Dato’ Seri”

Tun Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dato’ Haji Sardon bin Haji Jubir served two terms as Penang’s TYT, between 5th February 1975 to 30th April 1981.

It was indeed a sad day when he passed away on the 14th of December 1985 and was buried at the Makam Pahlawan, Mesjid Negara, Kuala Lumpur.

Interview with the late Y. A. Bhg. Tun Tan Seri Dato’ Seri Dato’ (Dr.) Haji Hamdan bin Sheikh Tahir SMN., PSM., DUPN., DP., DMPN., KMN on the Foundation – 08/2003.

What are Tun’s memories of the Foundations beginnings?

I was delighted to be associated with the Foundation from its outset.

Firstly, The late Tun Sardon Haji Jubir was a dear friend and when I was President of the Muslims Students Society at Raffles College he used to visit us and speak to us frequently. He was popular and always with a lot of ideas! He was always engaging is public interests issues and it was very clear that here was a young man who would go far in Malaya as the country was then known. And he did – he became an outstanding leader in UMNO as minister and later as Governor.

Secondly, Tun Sardon was an action person and one with strong character. He was not just a politician but also had a strong sense of social service. He had the character for the purpose. So it was only natural that he should have set up the Tun Sardon Foundation.

He was also a remarkable person because he was determined that the institution of “Governor” in Penang was respected and played its leadership role. Unlike the Sultanates, Penang was more informal and the position of Governor was not “institutionalized” adequately he wanted to ensure that the office has dignity and quality and yet in touch with the people. He was always also friendly towards the people.

Setting up the Foundation was a “natural” step for such a caring person and I was happy to be associated as a member and chairperson for many years.

The mark of the man’s character was his readiness to be of service and setting the example. He was the driving force behind the construction of the State Mosque. He contributed his whole one month salary as Governor of Penang to the Mosque Fund! He was always all out to help a good cause. I much also state that his wife the late Toh Puan Sadiah also played a very significant role and was exemplary in her contribution to social service organizations and not just women’s’ organizations but many others.

Interview with the late Y. A. Bhg. Tun Tan Seri Dato’ Seri Dato’ (Dr.) Haji Hamdan bin Sheikh Tahir SMN., PSM., DUPN., DP., DMPN., KMN on the Foundation – 08/2003.

How do you see the VISION and the OBJECTIVES of the Foundation?

The Foundation had a single noble purpose – to help those in need and during the 25 years it has indeed helped many people and institutions: Small support can make a big difference to poor peoples’ lives and the Foundation in its humble way did that job and continues to do it and Insya Allah will continue to do it for many years to come.

With changing times of course, the Foundation has to become more savvy – like using IT. I am glad that a website is being launched to give people access to all relevant information about the Foundation, its aims, its activities and also the people behind it; both past and present. It will also remind people of a great Malaysia. I hope more people can become engaged in the Foundation’s work. We cannot expect to run it the same way. The Foundation is not rich. So it must be modest but effective and creative, always of course keeping with its goals.

Interview with the late Y. A. Bhg. Tun Tan Seri Dato’ Seri Dato’ (Dr.) Haji Hamdan bin Sheikh Tahir SMN., PSM., DUPN., DP., DMPN., KMN on the Foundation – 08/2003.

Such a Foundation always benefits from the founders. The pioneers and many people who admired and respected the late Tun. The late Tun provided life and leadership to it. It had a strong Foundation thanks to the energy, dedication and financial support of so many people during those times. The fact that it has continued for 25 years and is celebrating its silver anniversary is testimony to the strong foundation and good leadership.

However, the future is always challenging for such Foundations. The persons go and new generations have new (interests) innovations and work in new ways. The challenge is in remembering the qualities and strength of the man and the pioneers. It was an idea ahead of its time then but now you have other foundations including the TYT Foundation. So you have to work harder.

It is always not easy because people have short memories and there are new competing interests. Usually, the Foundation set up like this don’t last forever. The Tun Sardon Foundation has a credible history of 25 years and has much promise for so many years to come. So may people of good intentions are on the Board and I am confident it can continue to do good work for the poor and the needy while remembering a great Malaysian icon whose life story has been an inspiration to many.We wish it every success in continuing its good work.

How do you see the VISION and the OBJECTIVES of the Foundation?

The Foundation had a single noble purpose – to help those in need and during the 25 years it has indeed helped many people and institutions: Small support can make a big difference to poor peoples’ lives and the Foundation in its humble way did that job and continues to do it and Insya Allah will continue to do it for many years to come.

With changing times of course, the Foundation has to become more savvy – like using IT. I am glad that a website is being launched to give people access to all relevant information about the Foundation, its aims, its activities and also the people behind it; both past and present. It will also remind people of a great Malaysia. I hope more people can become engaged in the Foundation’s work. We cannot expect to run it the same way. The Foundation is not rich. So it must be modest but effective and creative, always of course keeping with its goals.

Natra tragedy in Singapore – Defense lawyer

Dalam tahun 1947, Kerajaan British telah menawarkan jawatan sebagai pegawai di Jabatan Keselamatan Dalam Negeri Singapura. Beliau ditugaskan untuk mengawasi dan menangkap pemimpin politik Melayu yang meniupkan semangat anti – British. Peluang ini diambil oleh beliau untuk menyalur maklumat sulit kepada pejuang – pejuang kemerdekaan seperti Sardon bin Jubir, peguam dan tokoh politik terkenal di Singapura. Setelah 4 bulan di Jabatan Keselamatan Dalam Negeri, beliau memohon bertukar ke Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah. Pada mulanya beliau ditempatkan di Bahagian Merinyu Timbangan untuk mencegah aktiviti penyeludupan dan penipuan. Kemudian beliau ditukar pula ke Bahagian Kepolisian di Balai Polis Central, Singapura sebagai seorang pegawai berpangkat sarjan. Pada 23 haribulan Disember 1947, Meor Abdul Rahman telah dianugerahkan pingat King George IV atas sifat keberanian semasa berbakti kepada masyarakat dan kerajaan Singapura. Dato’ Meor Abdul Rahman bin Daeng Uda Mohd.Hashim: Pengasas Silat Seni Gayong Malaysia
THE first public meeting of the Inter-Religious Organisation for Singapore and Johore Bahru in the Victoria Memorial Hall (which) took place at the Victorial Memorial Hall on Friday, March 18th (1949) was a truly wonderful experience.Other speakers who outlined the principles of a united religious front against evil were Sri Kartar Singh (Sikh), Swami Namadevananda (Hindu), the Rev Sek Hong Choong (Buddhist) and Inche Sardon bin Haji Jubir (Muslim), who spoke in Malay.


5. 1948 – 1951 Member of Singapore ‘s Legislature.

He was the 1st local to be appointed in the Colonial Legislative Council of Singapore.

6. 1951 Head of UMNO Youth

Sehingga kini seramai 11 Ketua Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO telah memimpin pergerakan berkenaan.

Bermula dari tahun 1949 hingga 1950, pergerakan ini dipimpin oleh Tun Hussein Onn,
diikuti oleh Tun Abdul Razak Hussein (1950-1951), Tun Sardon Jubir (1951-1964),
Tan Sri Senu Abdul Rahman (1964-1970),

– MT – 30 Syawal 1420/05.02.2001 marhaintua@hotmail.com

Muncullah Sardon Jubir seorang anak Jawa yang amat pekat dan totok semangatnya. Beliaulah yang menggerakkan semua orang Jawa dan masyarakat Indonesia di negara ini agar menyokong UMNO. Anak-anak Jawa yang meminati Soekarno telah menyahut panggilan Sardon itu sehinggakan UMNO kini banyak bergantung kepada semangat mereka untuk terus bernafas dalam debu kehinaannya. Semangat juang Sardon Jubir itu tumbang dengan berakhirnya pengaruh Musa Hitam dan Tok Mat dalam arus
perjuangan UMNO. Kalau ada pun sisa dan saki-baki perjuangan Sardon itu, ia lebih pekat di rancangan tanah dan di sekolah-sekolah. Kaum professonal berdarah Jawa tidak lagi menghayati perjuangan itu kerana mereka sudah sedar kenapa sebabnya.

Anak-anak Sumatra yang amat kagum dengan kepintaran Almarhum Mohamad Hatta telah ikut serta semangat yang ditunjukkan oleh orang Jawa. Mereka sanggup berjuang dalam UMNO kerana mengimpikan satu wadah perjuangan untuk mencapai kemerdekaan.

He was involved with the pre Independence team with Tunku right until the formation of Tunku’s 1st cabinet.dation – 08/2003

7. 1957 Minister of Public Works, Telecommunications and Post.

Was the Minister responsible for the construction of our first K.L International Airport at Sempang (TUDM) and the Merdeka Stadium for the Independence Day celebrations.

Pada 18-19 Disember 1959 MBM (ataupun Majlis pemuda-pemudi Persekutuan Tanah Melayu ) mengadakan persidangan Agungnya. Dalam persidangan ini turut hadir ialah Bahagian Pergerakan Pemuda UMNO, Pemuda MCA, dan Pemuda MIC. MBM mengikut aliran hiraki politik negara dalam memilih YB Encik Saadon Hj. Zubir sebagai Presiden MBM . Tahap kemasyuran MBM pada zaman Saadon nyata sekali tidak dapat diteruskan oleh MBM yang kini dipimpin oleh Syed Kamarulzaman Bahaldin…..mesyuarat Agung 10 Jun 1966 Saadon Zubir dicatat sebagai Presiden MBM. Walau bagaimanapun Saadon sedar bahawa perlunya kepimpinan baru dalam MBM dan percaya MBM akan lebih aktif pada tahun akan datang. Saadon Zubir sebelum meninggalkan MBM selama-selamanya berjaya menonjolkan YB Abdullah dari MAYC sebagai tokoh utama MBM.

8. 18th Nov. 1959 – 4th Dec 1968 – Minister of Transport – YB Tan Sri Hj Sardon Hj Jubir

9. 1969 Minister of Health

Was the Minister responsible for the upgrading of all the major General Hospitals and the
introduction of compulsory medical service in the Rural areas (Polyclinics) for the new
Government doctors to upgrade the Rural Medical Services .

10. 1970 Awarded the “Gold Medal” ,South Korea’s highest Scouting honour. } Chief Scout 1971 Awarded King’s Gold Medal for Scouts by the King of Thailand. } Malaysia

1972 Minister of Communication.

Minister responsible for the upgrading of the National communication matters – Postal Services, Telecommunication services – introduction of the Microwave relay stations throughout the country; National Shipping Industry; the National Shipping Ports, the National Airline MSA (before the split with Singapore) and the early formative years of MAS; Upgrading of the early Aviation Industry in Malaysia ; The bi-lateral negotiations for all the initial International landing rights for MAS and the foreign Airlines; The upgrading of all our local Malaysian Airstrips to Airport status.

12. 5th Feb 1975 Appointed Head of State of Penang by His Majesty the Yang DiPertuan Agong June 1976 Awarded Darjah Seri Maharaja Mangku Negara which carried the title“Tun” 1976 Awarded the Darjah Utama Pangkuan Negeri (D.U.P.N.) which carried the title“Dato’ Seri

Pelancaran Tabung Masjid Negeri:

Selepas dilantik menjadi T.Y.T. Yang Di Pertua Negeri Pulau Pinang
pada awal tahun 1975, Tun Datuk Haji Sardon bin Haji Jubir berazam untuk menjadikan tugas utamanya menggerak Jawatankuasa Pembinaan Masjid memberi perhatian serius terhadap pembinaan Masjid Negeri.

T.Y.T. telah memberi nafas baru, dorongan, galakkan, pimpinan dan peransang kepada Jawatankuasa pembinaan dengan harapan Masjid yang diidamkan itu dapat didirikan dalam jangka waktu yang ditetapkan. T.Y.T. Yang Di Pertua Negeri seterusnya berkenan menjadi penaung sementara isterinya Toh Puan Datuk Hajjah Sadiah sebagai penasihat.

Official Opening of the YMCA New Building at 211-B, Jalan Macalister by His Excellency the Governor of Penang, Tan Sri Datuk Haji Sardon Bin Haji Jubir, PMN, DUPN, SPMJ, was held on 28.6.1975.

13. Tun Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dato’ Haji Sardon bin Haji Jubir served two terms as Penang’s TYT, from 5th February 1975 to 30th April 1981.

It was indeed a sad day when he passed away in K.L. on the 14th of December 1985 and was buried at the Makam Pahlawan, Mesjid Negara K.L.

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